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Pridružen/-a: 02.06. 2006, 17:18 |
Prispevkov: 350 |
Kraj: Trst, Italija |
Objavljeno: 14 Maj 2007 00:08 |
Il quartiere non è il massimo, vie larghe e palazzoni
qui non abita nessuno di famoso.
niente attori, nè politici, stilisti nè modelle
musicisti si ma solo quelli poveri.
Qui ho tutti i miei amici ma non c'è un cazzo di niente
tranne il bar di Mimmo e il take away cinese.
E se sei cresciuto qui e se hai ventidue anni
cominci ad avere voglia di cambiare.
Così Pablo ha rimediato un furgone arrugginito
e Aziz è riuscito a farlo andare
con un pò di soldi in tasca per la birra e la benzina
da domani ci prendiamo una vacanza. A's tulàm de d'ché!
Zen, Secondigliano, Pilastro, Quarticciolo
non c'è niente da perdere, nous sommes le Clan Banlieue.
Ce ne andremo a curiosare per le strade dell'Europa
con le multe non pagate sul cruscotto.
Pablo cerca di convincerci a tornare a Barcellona
per noi due l'importante è che si schiodi.
Scriveremo cartoline agli amici del quartiere
che si sciolgono nel caldo dell'estate.
Li ritroveremo un giorno e brinderemo al nostro incontro
ai vecchi tempi e alle nostre nuove vite.
E da tutte le provincie, d'oriente e d'occidente
dai sobborghi soffocati dalla noia
uno sciame di furgoni malconci e colorati
investirà le grandi capitali. On se taille d'icì!
Guildford, Castrovillari, Sassuolo, La Villette
non c'è niente da perdere, nous sommes le Clan Banlieue.
Erlangen, Manzolino, Isernia, Lisdonvarna, Liege, Valladolid
non c'è niente da perdere.
Voghera, Codigoro, Zandvoort, Montecavolo,
East Kilbridge, Rieti, Arcore. Nous sommes le Clan Banlieue |
_________________ Let the bodies hit the floor! |
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Pridružen/-a: 02.06. 2006, 17:18 |
Prispevkov: 350 |
Kraj: Trst, Italija |
Objavljeno: 14 Maj 2007 00:12 |
Oh, oo-o-oh, come on, ooh, yeah
Well I tried to tell you so (yes, I did)
But I guess you didn't know, as I said the story goes
Baby, now I got the flow
'Cos I knew it from the start
Baby, when you broke my heart
That I had to come again, and show you that I'm real
(You lied to me) all those times I said that I love you
(You lied to me) yes, I tried, yes, I tried
(You lied to me) even though you know I'd die for you
(You lied to me) yes, I cried, yes, I cried
1-(Return of the Mack) it is
(Return of the Mack) come on
(Return of the Mack) oh my God
(You know that I'll be back) here I am
(Return of the Mack) once again
(Return of the Mack) pump up the world
(Return of the Mack) watch my flow
(You know that I'll be back) here I go
So I'm back up in the game
Running things to keep my swing
Letting all the people know
That I'm back to run the show
'Cos what you did, you know, was wrong
And all the nasty things you've done
So, baby, listen carefully
While I sing my come-back song
2-(You lied to me) 'cos she said she'd never turn on me
(You lied to me) but you did, but you do
(You lied to me) all these pains you said I'd never feel
(You lied to me) but I do, but I do, do, do
(Return of the Mack) here it is
(Return of the Mack) hold on
(Return of the Mack) don't you know
(You know that I'll be back) here I go
(Return of the Mack) oh little girl
(Return of the Mack) wants my pearl
(Return of the Mack) up and down
(You know that I'll be back) round and round
(rpt 2, 1)
(You know that I'll be back) don't you know
(Return of the Mack) here it is
(Return of the Mack) hold on
(Return of the Mack) be strong
(You know that I'll be back) here I go
(Return of the Mack) my little girl
(Return of the Mack) wants my pearl
(Return of the Mack) up and down
(You know that I'll be back) round and round |
_________________ Let the bodies hit the floor! |
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Pridružen/-a: 28.11. 2009, 19:32 |
Prispevkov: 2500 |
Objavljeno: 23 Dec 2009 14:44 |
To sem dobila po mail-u.
Tale pesmica je bila s strani ZN nominirana kot najboljša pesnitev leta 2008. Napisal jo je afriški otrok.
When I born, I black
When I grow up, I black
When I go in Sun, I black
When I scared, I black
When I sick, I black
And when I die, I still black
And you white fellow
When you born, you pink
When you grow up, you white
When you go in sun, you red
When you cold, you blue
When you scared, you yellow
When you sick, you green
And when you die, you gray
And you calling me colored?
Ko se rodim - sem črn,
ko odrastem - sem črn ,
ko grem na sonce - sem črn
ko sem prestrašen - sem črn
ko mi je slabo - sem črn
in ko umrem sem jaz še vedno črn .
In ti beli človek:
Ko se rodiš - si rožnat,
ko odrasteš - si bel,
ko greš na sonce - si rdeč,
ko te zebe - si moder,
ko te je strah - si rumen,
ko ti je slabo - si zelen
in ko umreš - si siv.
In ti praviš, da sem jaz obarvan? |
_________________ Repatka
Vse kroži - mineva in se na novo poraja. |
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Pridružen/-a: 31.05. 2006, 14:35 |
Prispevkov: 1244 |
Objavljeno: 08 Jul 2013 21:51 |
I'll mow your lawn, clean the leaves out your drain
I'll mend your roof to keep out the rain
I'll take the work that God provides
I'm a Jack of all trades, honey, we'll be alright
I'll hammer the nails, and I'll set the stone
I'll harvest your crops when they're ripe and grown
I'll pull that engine apart and patch her up 'til she's running right
I'm a Jack of all trades, we'll be alright
A hurricane blows, brings a hard rain
When the blue sky breaks, feels like the world's gonna change
We'll start caring for each other like Jesus said that we might
I'm a Jack of all trades, we'll be alright
The banker man grows fatter, the working man grows thin
It's all happened before and it'll happen again
It'll happen again, they'll bet your life
I'm a Jack of all trades and, darling, we'll be alright
Now sometimes tomorrow comes soaked in treasure and blood
Here we stood the drought, now we'll stand the flood
There's a new world coming, I can see the light
I'm a Jack of all trades, we'll be alright
So you use what you've got, and you learn to make do
You take the old, you make it new
If I had me a gun, I'd find the bastards and shoot 'em on sight
I'm a Jack of all trades, we'll be alright
I'm a Jack of all trades, we'll be alright
Komad za trenutne čase. Tako je življenje marsikaterega človeka, ki se trudi prežiceti v tem krutem svetu!
And agen Boss tells the way it is! |
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naključni mimoidoči
Pridružen/-a: 05.11. 2013, 14:56 |
Prispevkov: 2 |
Objavljeno: 05 Nov 2013 15:08 |
Res fajn nov slovenski bend, odlična muzika - prilagam en komad
Retro Kult - Preludij
Nebo usliši me, milosti...ne zapusti me.
Ne vem kako bi drugače pobegnil, ko preganja me.
Ooo, ne zmorem več, spet boli...
ko odhajam na to pot,
naj se ne bojim.
Bil je moj ječar, krut krvnik,
uničil je srce, brez vesti.
Vidim smrt, kot prvi sij, zadnji bom sodnik,
krik in hlad, smeh v solzah, ubil se bo hudič.
Le dotik in podoba duše, je v kosih in lebdi,
ko zapišem zadnje črke, se v žarek spremeni.
Strah v očeh nariše, vse obraze, brez oči.
Se zavem da zares odhajam, križ na steni se krivi.
Angelov moč in kri,
začutim ko letim,
med oči kjer odreši me maske vraga, ki dušila je.
Trenutek hrabrosti,
v objemu večnosti,
me zbudi in ustavi jok, nebo je bližje kot je kdaj bilo...
Angelov moč in kri,
začutim ko letim,
med oči kjer odreši me maske vraga, ki dušila je.
Trenutek hrabrosti,
v objemu večnosti,
me zbudi in ustavi jok, nebo je bližje kot je kdaj bilo.
Angelov moč in kri,
začutim ko letim,
nebo je bližje, bližje...
Tule ga lahko poslušate:
Kako se pa vam zdi? |
_________________ “If you end up with a boring miserable life because you listened to your mom, your dad, your teacher, your priest, or some guy on television telling you how to do your shit, then you deserve it.”
― Frank Zappa |
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