Pridružen/-a: 31.05. 2006, 14:35 |
Prispevkov: 1244 |
Objavljeno: 31 Avg 2006 11:21 |
Trojanec Downloader.KCC se skrije v datoteki imenovani, ki je pripeta spam sporočilu, ki je bilo masivno razposlano naokoli v zadnjih nekaj urah. Ta sporočila trdijo da so povratna potrdila za plačila oz. nakupe, ki naj bi jih ciljani uporabnik (žrtev) opravila s svojo kreditno kartico. E-sporočila, ki jih žrtve pejemajo imajo slednji predmet: [paycheck 322082] Credit Card Chargeback, medtem ko tekstovno sporočilo izgleda takole:
We have received a notice from your card service stating that there was a chargeback made by the owner of the card that you paid for
your account with. This is a very serious matter.
I have deducted the amount of the chargeback, GBP 102.10, from your account and added our standard fee of GBP 23.95 as well. (You can
see your payment details in attachment.)
If there was some mistake, please let us know immediately so that we
can get this situation resolved. We ask that you have the chargeback
removed as soon as possible, as our account has already been debited for the amount in question.
If you would prefer to make your payment using a new payment
method that would be fine as well (you can use a different credit card or you may send a money order payable to Cihost).
This is a time sensitive issue and must be resolved promptly at the
request of the card service. Please email the billing team using the Web Administration Panel with information about how you are going
to deal with this situation.
I thank you for your time and hope to hear from you
See your payment details in attachment.
Frank J. Cornwell
Cihost Billing Management
Skratka zadne čase hekerčki in pisatelji virusov množično hočejo obogatet preko naših računov.......folk je pa res povarjen... |